Seniors Working After Retirement

Wil Thomas
Wil Thomas
Editor at Seniors Bulletin

Seniors working after retirement is becoming a common trend in Canada. Many seniors are pushing the retirement age, and choosing to continue working past the age of 65 for various reasons. Some seniors work to supplement their retirement income or their pension plan, while others work to stay active and engaged in their communities.


  • Increasing number of seniors opting to work post-retirement for various reasons.
  • Working after retirement offers income, social interaction, but also ageism and health concerns.
  • Seniors considering re-employment should assess income needs, budget, and seek professional advice.

According to Statistics Canada, the employment rate among Canadians aged 65 and older has been steadily increasing in recent years. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives states that one in four (24%) persons aged 65 to 70 is still working, up from 11% in 2000. The increase in the number of seniors working after retirement can be attributed to several factors, including longer life expectancies, the need for additional income, and changes in their pension plan.

While some seniors continue working in their previous careers, others are pursuing a new career, new opportunities and exploring different industries. Many seniors are also choosing to work part-time or on a contract basis, allowing them to maintain a better work-life balance. However, there are also challenges that come with working after retirement. Disadvantages of working after retirement can include age discrimination and health issues. Despite these challenges, many seniors are finding that working after retirement can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience.

Benefits Of Working After Retirement

Many seniors in Canada choose to continue working after retirement or “re employment” as the current trend has labelled it. While some may do so out of financial necessity, others find that working provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Here are some benefits of re employment:

  • Additional Income: Working after retirement can provide seniors with additional income to retirement pension supplement. While the Canadian government has automatics benefits such as Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan/Québec Pension Plan (CPP/QPP Pension), often times it does not cover the extra expenses. This extra money can help cover expenses such as travel, hobbies, or health/wellness costs.
  • Social Interaction: Working can provide seniors with social interaction and a sense of belonging. It can also help prevent isolation and loneliness, which can have negative effects on mental and physical health.
  • Mental Stimulation: Many jobs require problem-solving, critical thinking, and learning new skills. Working after retirement can provide mental stimulation and help keep the brain active and engaged.
  • Physical Activity: Depending on the job, working after retirement can provide seniors with physical activity and exercise. This can help maintain physical health and mobility.
  • Sense of Purpose: Working can provide seniors with a sense of purpose and accomplishment. It can also help them feel valued and contribute to society.

Overall, working after retirement can provide many benefits for seniors. However, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks and ensure that working does not interfere with their health or quality of life.

Challenges Faced by Senior Workers

Senior workers in Canada face several challenges when it comes to working after retirement. One of the biggest challenges is ageism, which is the discrimination of individuals based on their age. Many employers have a bias against older workers and may perceive them as less productive or less technologically savvy. This can make it difficult for senior workers to find employment or advance in their current career.

Another challenge is the physical demands of certain jobs. As workers age, they may experience physical limitations that prevent them from performing certain tasks. This can be especially challenging for workers in industries that require manual labour or heavy lifting.

Senior workers may also face challenges related to their mental health. Retirement can be a significant life change, and some seniors may experience feelings of isolation or depression. Continuing to work can provide a sense of purpose and social interaction, but it can also be stressful if the work environment is not supportive.

Finally, senior workers may face challenges related to their financial situation. Many seniors continue to work because they need the income to support themselves or their families. However, some may find it difficult to secure employment that pays a living wage or provides benefits such as health insurance or retirement savings plans. Often times, part time work hours do not earn enough for an employer to provide benefits.

Most Seniors Who Are Working Are Self Employment

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives states that forty percent of workers over 65 are self-employed. A significant number of seniors opt for self-employment due to various reasons. Self-employment provides flexibility, allowing seniors to control their schedules, work at their preferred pace, and manage their workload. This is particularly appealing to those with health issues or family commitments. Additionally, self-employment enables seniors to utilize their valuable skills and expertise, supplement their retirement income, and even pursue passion projects. Some seniors might also choose self-employment to avoid age discrimination in the hiring process or due to economic necessity.

It’s essential to recognize that the reasons for self-employment among seniors differ, and not all working seniors are self-employed. Many older workers continue in traditional employment for reasons such as job security, benefits, and social connections.

Job Opportunities for Seniors in Canada

The other portion of seniors seeking employment in Canada consists of a variety of full-time or part-time work. Many employers recognize the value of hiring seniors, who bring a wealth of experience, skills, knowledge and a strong work ethic to the workplace.

Some popular job search for the re employed seniors in Canada include:

  • Retail Salesperson: Many seniors find part time work in the retail sector. They can work in stores, boutiques, or shopping malls, assisting customers with purchases, stocking shelves, and keeping the store tidy.
  • Customer Service Representative: Seniors can also work as customer service representatives, answering phone calls, responding to emails, and providing support to customers.
  • Driver: Seniors who enjoy driving can work as delivery drivers, shuttle drivers, or chauffeurs. They can work for companies or as independent contractors.
  • Caregiver: Seniors who enjoy working with people can work as caregivers, providing assistance to other seniors or people with disabilities. They can work in private homes, retirement homes, or long-term care facilities.

Other job opportunities for seniors in Canada include working as administrative assistants, receptionists, bookkeepers, and tutors. Seniors can also work for family members or they can start their own businesses or work as consultants in their areas of expertise.

Overall, seniors in Canada have many job opportunities available to them. With their skills, experience, and knowledge, they can make valuable contributions to the workforce.

Financial Planning for Seniors Re Employment

Seniors who choose to work after retirement need to plan their finances carefully to ensure they can maintain their standard of living during their golden years. Here are some financial planning tips for seniors working after retirement:

  • Assess your income needs: Before deciding to work after retirement, seniors should assess their income needs to determine how much additional income they require. They should also factor in any pension payment (private and government, including CPP/QPP retirement pension), government benefits (rebates and refunds), and retirement savings (RRSPs, TSFAs and other T5s) they receive.
  • Consider tax implications: Seniors who work after retirement need to be aware of the tax implications of their additional income. They may need to pay taxes on their employment income, which could affect their overall tax bracket and reduce their government benefits.
  • Create a budget: Seniors should create a budget that takes into account their additional income and expenses. This will help them manage their finances effectively and ensure they do not overspend.
  • Maximize retirement savings: Seniors who work after retirement should consider maximizing their retirement savings, such as their RRSP or TFSA contributions. This will help them save for their future and reduce their tax burden.
  • Consider professional advice: Seniors should consider seeking professional advice from a financial planner or tax professional to help them manage their finances effectively and make informed decisions about their retirement income.

By following these financial planning tips, seniors can work after retirement without compromising their financial security and enjoy their golden years to the fullest.

Seniors Working After Retirement

Seniors working after retirement is becoming increasingly common in Canada. While some seniors work out of financial necessity, others continue to work for personal fulfillment, social interaction, to stay active and to try new things. The rise in the labour force participation rate of seniors aged 65 and older from 6% in 2000 to 13.8% in 2020 is a testament to the growing trend of seniors working after retirement.

Re employment can have both positive and negative effects on seniors’ financial, physical, and mental well-being. On one hand, working can provide seniors with a sense of purpose, social interaction, and financial security. On the other hand, working can also lead to stress, physical exhaustion, and reduced time for leisure activities.

Employers can benefit from hiring seniors as they bring a wealth of experience, skills, and knowledge to the workplace. However, it is important for employers to recognize that an older worker may have different needs and limitations than a younger worker. Employers should strive to create a supportive and inclusive workplace that accommodates the needs of all workers, regardless of age.

Overall, the decision to work after retirement is a personal one that depends on a variety of factors such as financial situation, health, and personal goals. Whether seniors choose to work or not, it is important for society to recognize and value the contributions that seniors make to the workforce and to the wider community.

The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and they do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the providers being reviewed. The providers and SeniorsBulletin assume no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in this site is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness and without any warranties of any kind whatsoever, express or implied.

2 thoughts on “Seniors Working After Retirement”

  1. This positive article completely avoids the facts. Many Seniors cannot quit their jobs, as there is not enough government income to support them. Food has more than doubled, so people are eating badly just to have food in their body.

    I am working after 65 because I worked in not for profit throughout my career, there were no benefits for retirement in most NGOs. Yes, I should have found some office job at an insurance company or something like it. My fault.

    I am now over 65 still working in NGOs. I am exhausted, worn down and depressed at what my future will be. It is harder and harder to work. People make comments about my age. Sometimes it is kind and sometimes it is cruel.

    Write an honest article which addresses the issue as to why older adults are still working?

    It is a hardship, I am in good shape, but my abilities are shifting.

    I do not have the same memory I had in the past. It isn’t Alzheimer it is just age.

    I cannot lift things like I did in the past.

    I tire quicker. Likewise, I used to be able to spin plates while I worked, as in handling multiple tasks in tandem.

    I long for having to not worry about work.

    Please write a better article about working over 65 for most of us. The realities.


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